III. Encountering strangers

“Is it just me or can you totally match all the bloggers in here to their blogs?” Mildly amused and totally interested, she turned around to face a guy probably in his early thirties with what could only be described as an unforgettable face. He wasn’t conventionally good looking but had sharp features and coupled with an air of coolness he looked like Mr. Darcy, if Darcy had worn jeans, a white tee and a sports jacket and frequented blogger meet-ups.

“Devon. And before you ask, yes that’s my real name”. “Alesia, my real name too. Figured it’ll be easier to withhold my blog identity than lie”, she confided. He smiled knowingly and eased himself on to the barstool beside her. He requested the bartender for a beer and turned his attention to her. “So how long have you been here? Long enough to introduce yourself to the hipsters and tech-geeks?” he ribbed. “No but I’m dying to know which bloggers you’ve managed to match to their blogs. And more importantly how you've managed to accomplish this unbelievable feat” she teased. “For starters you check the guest list” he quipped causing her cheeks to redden, “And then you just let your imagination run a little wild. For instance, see that confident red head in the green dress? She’s probably the chick from that blog ‘menhatedatingconfidentwomen’ or that guy in the navy dress shirt; he’s probably the ‘undercoverfbiblogger’” he completed. “Well I doubt that because I actually spoke with him and that’s a very bleak possibility”she smiled.

“Well you don’t strike me as an anonymous blogger type of girl, what gives?” he asked. “I’d really rather not talk about my blog but I’d be happy to talk about yours” Alesia grinned. With a guilty smile Devon steered the conversation towards safer territory and began to tell her about his move to New York a couple months back, working as a sportscaster and trying to juggle a busy schedule while trying to meet new people in this ever bustling city. She told him about her boring desk job working in the back office of an import-export company, living with her gay flat mate and dealing with a completely crazy but totally fun best friend. They discussed food, their mutual love for music and their favorite radio shows. She explained to him why New York was the only city she’d ever want to live in and narrated some crazy incidents that made the city so special to her. Conversation flowed freely till Chubs broke up their private party of two with a “Let’s get to know other people guys!”

After exchanging their contact numbers they both headed in opposite directions to socialize with ‘other people’. She was shocked at how friendly and easy-going most of the other bloggers were and how all of them seemed perfectly normal, contrary to her preconceived notions about them. By the time she was officially done for the night Devon had already left. Ambling towards the subway she reflected back on the night and how much fun she’d had despite her initial reluctance, glad that she’d made the effort to go. She wondered why Devon hadn’t bothered to say goodbye as she walked into the apartment but seconds later forgot all about it, barely managing to change into her pjs before she threw herself on the bed.

Little did she know that this one night would herald a series of events that would bring her equal amounts of joy and pain very soon!

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